Lorrie at http://scrappinstuff-lorrie.blogspot.com gave me this great blog award. How cool is that? This award is for those with Great Attitude and Gratitude...wow, hope I can live up to it. Thanks for the encouragement Lorrie, I'm passing it along to:
Check out their blogs...they all do awesome work. I'm sure you'll be as impressed as I am.
Wow--thank you. My second award this week (and ever)! I'll get busy passing these around as soon as I get rid of this migraine.
Oh Jo, thank you so so much. You have really made my day, I shall transfer it to my blog and disply with pride and of course pass it along.
Hope the migraines improving, I get them frequently, have done since I was a child and know how debilitating they are, you have to expereince them to understand I always say.
Will be back to visit you, have a good day.
B xx
Jo, what a sweet thought! Thank you so much. I love how your blog is coming along...from another Midwest girl at heart...hugs...Kris
Congrats on your award and starting your blog! I love your slide show you do some fabulous work!
Thanks for all your sweet comments over at my blog!
Hi again Jo, just seen your comment on the cricut board and only just reaslised you are one and the same Jo who visits my blog. Sorry not to have clicked before. Do I gather from your Cricut picture you have labs?
B x
Hi Jo! I just wanted to let you know that you won my blog candy! YAY! BTW...I love your work girlie! Wonderful stuff! HUGS!
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